When I'm not strolling through Logan's (my local garden center here in Raleigh, NC), shopping for more containers, or playing in the dirt, you'll find me sitting on my tiny deck with a hot cup of coffee. Listening to the chimes and watching goodness grow.

Nature lover, home cook, and passionate about growing herbs & veggies in small spaces.

I'm Asia,
Small Space
Garden Coach

hey there!

Since then, I've taught hundreds of beginners how to grow their own herbs and veggies and create a garden that nourishes their body and soul. 

RIP oregano, basil, and many more. I lovingly drowned more plants than I can count (black thumbs unite). After a lot of error and more error... thyme, green peppers, and kale managed to survive. Back in 2011,  I started gardening while struggling with perimenopausal anxiety. Playing in the dirt gave me a deep sense of calm, it became my sanctuary. It also gave me and my family fresh basil for Sunday morning omelets. More importantly, my soul was happy. That's when I realized gardening nourishes the body and soul. 

Let me start by telling you, I killed a lot of plants along the way...

but i didn't start like this...

Gardening started as therapy. Now it's for joy, health, and fun. It’s deeply rewarding to guide, encourage, and inspire others to start growing and cooking goodness.


Visiting gardens, walking trails, and listening to birds with my husband, is my idea of an amazing weekend.


Love my day trips to the beach and always on the lookout for a sea turtle sighting.


Heaven is reading a good book at my local bookstore... sipping a great cup of coffee. 


fun facts about me

Listening to you share about you, your space, and what's most important to you

Sharing insight and the possibilities of your space

Designing a plan for your unique space based on what you love eating and cooking 

Supporting you before, during, and after your garden is set up so you can start growing and cooking goodness

Here's what you can expect while working with me...

ready to get started?

Start growing your favorite cooking herbs indoors with The Kitchen Herb Garden Workshop, a step-by-step online training.

Watch The Kitchen Herb Garden Workshop

 Have a quick question about growing herbs and veggies in your small space? Simply reach out with a question or two and I'm happy to help.

Book A Free
Garden Chat

I love helping beginners start their own small space gardens and grow goodness. Right now, you might just want to know how to get started. Just click below for details.

Let's Start Growing & Cooking Goodness

choose what you need

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